
Check out our set of large and stable international indices.

    Stock indices are a financial instrument that allows you to increase your capital by speculating on the difference in value of indices of a group of international companies. This derivative financial instrument allows you to profit without directly buying specific assets, generating income from an increase or decrease in demand for a particular index on an exchange.


    For maximum profit, it is best to choose large and stable international indices, such as NASDAQ, JPN 225, GER 30, S&P 500 and others. However, trading the indices requires serious training, knowledge of the market laws and specific trends in a given area, as well as the ability to follow the dynamics of development and make long-term forecasts based on the data provided.


    On our platform, we guarantee the fixing of the spread between the buy and sell price to account for volatile market dynamics, allowing traders to trade indices interest free. In addition, we provide access to numerous trading optimization features, analytical material from top traders, educational information and other support elements to help traders get up to speed more quickly and easily in this market and start making good enough profits.


    Our traders also benefit from quite a lot of leverage, which allows them to make substantial profits on a minimal investment. If you're interested in trading indices on our platform, it's easy to register and start making money. Registration takes only a few minutes and you can fund your account with credit or debit cards, bank transfers and cryptocurrencies.

    Open your account today and experience next-generation trading